Wednesday, September 21, 2011

ACLU Presentation on Youth Rights.

Yesterday afternoon we had a local representative from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) come in and talk with us about Youth Rights, with a focus on Adolescent Sexual Health.   There is a lot of misinformation about the rights of teens to sexual health care. 

If you are 17 years or under, you have the right to get sexual health services on your own in New York.  You can get confidential services that include:  Birth Control (condoms & birth control); Emergency Contraception; Pregnancy Tests & Prenatal Care; Sexually Transmitted Infection Tests & Care; Abortion Services; Sexual Assault Care.  You do not need permission from your parents, boyfriend, girlfriend, or anyone else for these services.

The conversation was also very informative and created a very interesting conversation about rights young people have at schools.  In Rochester, N.Y., the school district requires that all schools hang signs in the door that says in so many words that if you walk into the school you consent to walking through metal detectors and to having your personal things searched. The question was is that legal? Since you have to go to school and you don't sign paperwork that says you consent can they search you? Likewise do you have the right to refuse the search if prompted.

The fact that it may be a violation of rights and possibly unethical fueled the conversation empowering them to take more control over the situation and refusing to consent to being searched and having items taken. Very informing and powerful conversation.

You can check on the NYACLU website at

Friday, September 16, 2011

PhotoVoice: Real Eyes Photo Exhibit by Youth 4 Change

“Vision is more than what we see.  It is the foundation of what makes dreams turn into reality. Society has turned away from truth. Don’t be content with the lies, look beyond. Realize the real lies in the “Real Eyes” Photo Exhibit”.    Quote by Youth 4 Change, Sr. Youth Leader, John Franklin
PhotoVoice, a form of participatory action research, brings forth the voice and vision of those most impacted through photo journalism.  Youth 4 Change, the group of youth leaders at ABC Action Front Center created the "Real Eyes" Photo Voice Exhibit to inform the community about the assets and barriers to adolescent sexual health, in Rochester, NY.  The exhibit, held on May 26, 2011, at The Strong Museum of Play, compiled 60 pictures created and edited by the youth, portrayed themes of adolescent homelessness, lack of information & resources, invisibility and hopelessness as barriers to adolescent sexual health.  They also highlighted community assets such as  culture, safe places, civic engagement and more.  We look forward to our next PhotoVoice Exhibit in December of 2011.